• Beckett,  parenting

    “You Should Really Know What You’re Doing Next Time”: A How-Not-To Guide to Adventuring

    I’m not a planner. It’s both a blessing and a curse. Blessing, because I’m always flexible. I just get an idea and do it. Right then. Curse, because Taylor isn’t a planner either, so we infuriate everyone trying to plan around us. It wasn’t until this week I realized that “everyone” also includes our firstborn. It’s Spring Break here in Texas and – shocker – we didn’t plan anything ahead of time, so 4 days ago I decided we’d go on adventures around the city each day. Sunday we adventured into Petco where we accidentally bought a hamster. Beckett thought we’d have a better shot of Taylor being okay with our impulse purchase if we…

  • Beckett,  fail,  parenting

    The Little Craft that Could

    “What are the positives of social media?” is a question I’m asked fairly regularly by parents and teachers alike. To be honest, I don’t have an overwhelming amount of answers. But. A miracle happened to our family yesterday that simply would not have happened in a pre-internet age. Gather ’round, everyone. This is the tale of The Little Craft that Could. At lunch with a friend yesterday, I got a text from another first grade mom friend. “Is this Beckett??” she asked. As I zoomed in to the picture she’d attached, I saw a screenshot of a random Facebook post. “DO YOU KNOW BECKETT’S FAMILY???” the post started. “I’ve been searching for this boy’s family since Friday.…

  • Beckett,  parenting,  school

    Learning How to Send a Kid To School

    Sitting in a circle of parents during the kindergarten tour, we listened as the principal introduced us to the elementary school. He covered everything from the school’s mission to flexible seating in the classrooms to the longitudinal effects of reading to your children. He asked for questions and several hands shot up; each one a great, high level question. “Tell us about the school’s curriculum goals for the next 5 years.” “How will you challenge my student at her level?” “How do you promote physical health and exercise to the students?” “Walk us through the campus safety plan.” Good questions, good answers. “Anything else I didn’t answer?” he asks. Well, yes, I thought. Only about a billion. For instance, sir,

  • Beckett,  fail,  parenting

    Dear Tooth Fairy, I Want a Refund

    If I’m blogging chronologically, I should start with the Top 10 Reasons You Should Never Let Your Kids Have Snow Cones Right Before A One Hour Night Of Worship At Church, because that was a thing last night. Suffice it to say, little boys hyped up on sugar and Red Dye #40 worship very differently than their fellow churchgoers. Worship the Lord with karate kicks, come before him with audible toots. Anyway. In other news, Beckett got his first ever loose tooth.

  • Beckett,  faith,  unexpected Jesus

    Because They’re Worth Remembering

    Direct quote from Beckett, the kid who cried actual tears recently because “mom PLEASE stop dancing in the car. it’s very unsafe to dance while operating a vehicle!”: “Since I’m 5 now, can I just be one of the parents?” He is – by far – the most responsible adult in our home. He is always reminding me of the rules to ensure a safe and just home. He is also always soaking up everything around him and asking ridiculously mature and insightful questions.

  • Beckett,  birthday,  Davis

    Bro-thday Bash

    One year and one week ago, I was miserably, hugely pregnant with our 3rd. I didn’t care when he came out or how he came out, just that he came out. So on the night of our firstborn’s 4th birthday, I didn’t even care when I started feeling signs of impending labor as I play skeeball at Chuck-e-Cheese. And I certainly didn’t care when our baby finally made his grand entrance the next day, making him and his oldest brother 4 years and 1 day apart.

  • Beckett,  parenting

    You’re Right Up My Alley

    Pre-parent-me found the phrase “date your kids” horrifying. The sentiment is sweet, the wording is creepy. Parent-me totally dates the crap out of my kids. Parent-me disappoints pre-parent-me in lots of areas, now that I think about it. Like the atrocity that is my vocal cords trying to make my infant smile. Or like the amount of times I say “silly” in a given day. What grown adult says “silly”? A parent, that’s who. What are we even talking about? Dating your children. Yes. So, Saturday, I had a surprise dinner-and-bowling date planned for Beckett. Instead of just telling him our plan, I wanted to “put an exclamation point on the memory” (a…

  • Beckett,  birthday,  letters

    To the 4-Year-Old Who Made Us Parents

    4 years and 9 months ago, two tiny pink lines altered our lives forever. As a 23 year old newlywed with zero interest in small children, exhilaration wasn’t my first response. Hyperventilation, a blood test confirmation at LabCorp, and a panicked call to my best friend followed by a literal Googling of “how to be pregnant”…these were my first responses. 4 years and 9 months ago, I had absolutely no idea what was in store for our family. I had no idea what parenting was or how hard and joyous it would be. How infuriating and rewarding. How scary and overwhelmingly beautiful. But then came August 22, 2011. And I looked…

  • Beckett,  birthday

    Party Your Tail Off

    3 out of 4.5 members of Team Brooks either had or celebrated a birthday this weekend. That’s a lot of cake. Friday was my favorite human’s birthday, and he was perfectly undercelebrated as requested. He can’t control me though (modern woman) so allow me to state, for the record, one more time: Taylor Brooks is the most loyal, loving, patient, compassionate person I know. I not only get to call him my husband but also my best friend. So happy birthday to that guy. If you don’t know him, you are sorely missing out. If you’ve followed this blog for more than 1 second you at least know his offspring,…

  • Beckett

    The World According to Beckett

    Texas summer heat + third trimester belly + surprisingly fast oversized toddler + opinionated preschooler = a tired mama. And a tired mama = an impatient, grumpy mama. (At least in my case.) Do you ever have those moments when you float outside your body and hear the things you’re saying to your kids – or the tone of voice you’re using, or the ridiculous threats you’re making – and think, “Chill the heck out! They’re just kids.” Yeah, me either… The point is, I can see how I *might* have been hard on my biggest boy in recent months. I just want him to behave and speak like a civilized adult. IS THAT SO…