• social media,  Uncategorized

    #Socialing with the End in Mind (+ questions that can help get us there)

    One of the questions I hear most from parents in my social media trainings is, “But why do they do that?” (“That” being one of 80-kazillion social media irritants: Snapchat streaks, selfies, spam accounts, 90-minute Instagram caption deliberations.) Fair question, but I think a better one is: Have you challenged them to do it differently? Are we all just frustrated by these things, or are we encouraging our kids to do it better? Are we worrying or equipping? Big difference, right? • • • Social media is often viewed as an Unapproachable Subject. It’s too big of a deal now. The kids are too invested. It is too confusing. Where do you even start to tame a…

  • social media

    The Importance of Asking…Twice

    This post was originally written for my friends at Teen Life. If you’ve spent more than 3 minutes with me this year, you’ve heard me gush about the teen support groups I get to facilitate through this organization. The curriculum we use is very straightforward and highly effective, the students are amazing, the time commitment is totally manageable…long story short, this non-profit is near and dear to my heart. If you want to learn more or find out how you can get involved, check ’em out at www.teenlife.ngo. ——— I had a mild panic attack the morning I was set to lead my first Teen Life group. When I started looking over lesson one, I…

  • social media

    Parents: A Word about Sexting

    If I had a chance to finish the book draft I began writing about social media before it flew off the hood of my car never to be seen again, I probably would have made the tagline something like, “It’s not an app problem, it’s a heart problem.”

  • social media

    About Those Influencers…

    I didn’t date a lot in high school. I had a bazillion guy friends, little to no boyfriends. Maybe it was because I was a commitment-phobe. Maybe it was because I was wiser than my 15 years and knew I should spend my time making friends and having fun instead. Maybe it was because no one swept me off my feet. ….or maybe it was because I spent 90% of my time looking something like this:

  • social media

    Learning to Unplug as a Family

    Junior high is a rough time. It’s awkward, it’s pimply…you’re trying to figure out who you are and where you belong. You’re trying not to panic about your body parts that are growing and doing weird, new things. Junior high is a lot of social experimentation. Not necessarily experimenting with drugs and alcohol, more like experimenting with friendships. Learning what is kind vs. what hurts people’s feelings. Learning what traits draw others in vs. alienate the general population. Learning the difference between high-energy and just plain obnoxious. I wouldn’t wish my junior high self on my worst enemy. But. When I had a bad day in junior high – when I was super obnoxious and…

  • social media

    The Great Physical Digital Divide

    *blows dust off keyboard* …is this thing still on? One of the most frequent questions I hear from parents of teenagers regarding social media is how to monitor their child’s online activity. How do I know what apps they use? How much involvement is too much? Isn’t “monitoring” an invasion of their privacy? Great questions. Tricky subject. Oh, and also? I really have no idea. I don’t know how much monitoring is too much. I don’t know what age your child is ready for what apps. I don’t know what site your child spends most of his or her time on. I think it’s a case-by-case, kid-by-kid conversation. Age plays a big role in these decisions,…

  • social media

    The Magnitude of Perfection Perception

    Waiting at the eye doctor yesterday, I read an article in People magazine about a beautiful 19 year old college student, Madison Holleran, who committed suicide last year. Something she said has been playing in my mind over and over. She talked about being in her dorm room late at night, scrolling through Instagram. She was already struggling with depression, but seeing post after post of her smiling, happy friends exacerbated it. “Why aren’t we happy like them?” she asked her roommate. Ugh. Suicide breaks my heart on a lot of levels, but the mention of social media along with suicide is…whatever word is 100x stronger than “horrible”. I talk…

  • social media

    Parenting Past the Physical

    I was in class with a group of middle schoolers recently, where the topic for discussion was…   …sex. (Always an exciting discussion, amiright??) So there they sat, beads of perspiration on their brow, palms sweating profusely. The awkwardness was palpable. The teacher was discussing abstinence; specifically, how to safeguard yourself from getting into questionable situations. He talked about setting a curfew with your boyfriend/girlfriend, not going into a bedroom alone, having accountability, etc. All good suggestions. Suggestions that were given to me at that age, actually. Suggestions that my own parents enforced in their home. Times haven’t changed. Except, as I began to realize, they kind of have. A few months ago…

  • social media

    Celebrity Syndrome

    We live in a society where every day people become famous. All the time. Sometimes for no reason. You don’t have to have a once-in-a-lifetime talent. You don’t have to be ridiculously wealthy. You don’t have to be an inventor or a pioneer or a world-changer. You really just need social media. And possibly an element of attractiveness. Or uniqueness. Look at Justin Bieber. He became Forbes’ 3rd most powerful celebrity in 2012, 5 years after being discovered by his YouTube channel. Or Shawn Mendes. His album is currently #1 on iTunes. You’ve probably never even heard of him, but his 6-second Vine videos (totally less than 40 minutes) have launched him into a full-fledged music…

  • family,  friends,  social media

    Living the Moments

    This post was originally written for my friends over at thirtyone17. Their site is a charming, fabulous, unfiltered take on being a modern day Proverbs 31 woman. I wanted to share this post here as well, because the response it generated tells me I’m not the only one who struggles with what I shared, BUT I only repost it under the assumption you’ll read this and then immediately head over to their super awesome site. Capeesh?! (Or “capiche” if you’re fancy.) Name the last 5 Instagram photos you saw on your news feed, in order, without cheating. Can’t do it? Me either, even though I liked pretty much all of…