• awkward,  Beckett,  sickness,  social faux pas

    ER Trip #245: "Ask Me" Edition

    Once upon a time, Tuesday night, we were volunteering at our church’s Vacation Bible School, rebranded as “Summer Spectacular”, when I got that dreaded text from the children’s ministry saying that we needed to come get Beckett from class. I immediately started to panic because a) Beckett loves Bible class where he learns about “Jethuth” and b) he never ever ever ever cries there. Like, ever. As in, they’ve never paged me in the entirety of his childcare experience. As in, sometimes when class is over and we pick him up to go home he screams like he’s being kidnapped. So I knew something bad had happened. He ran away?…

  • awkward,  social faux pas

    Grace: My Middle Name & Social Cues

    Maybe it’s because I didn’t go to sleep until 2:30am*. Or maybe it’s because the 3rd annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is tonight and I’m so excited I’m not thinking clearly. Either way, I’ve made a mockery of all things graceful today. Grace: My Middle Name. Let’s first discuss my trip to Walmart and the blueberry walnut bread I sampled in the bakery. That is worth a trip out of the house, right there. Fast forward to the register: my cashier was pretty grumpy which immediately makes my brain scream, “Oooo girl. You are going to LOVE me by the end of this transaction. Let’s turn that frown upside down.”…

  • Beckett,  MK,  photo dump,  social faux pas

    Baby Blame, Hugs, & MK

    Baby Blame One benefit to having a child that I didn’t foresee is the ability to blame everything on them. I must confess that Beckett has already been my scapegoat several times in his short 7 1/2 weeks of life. Babies get parents out of:   social gatherings: “I really wish we could stay for your Gilligan’s Island themed barbeque, but the baby can’t really be around that many people yet. Germs. Scary stuff.”   daily hygiene: “Why yes, these are the same leggings. They’re on day 15 and still going strong!”   accidental or intentional flatulence: “Poor baby just has so much gas…”   favors: “Helping you address all…