• Beckett,  Easter,  fail,  Hutton,  neighbors,  parenting

    Turning Over a New {Palm} Leaf

    At lunch with my dear friend Amanda today, I had to choose between wiping poop off my forearm or vomit out of my hair first after a dual eruption from the wee one. Just livin’ the life, you guys. Livin’ the life. Really though, I’ve already hit rock bottom this week, so I’m hardly even phased by such a decision. Airborne Acer Probably the hardest part about having multiple kids so far is getting them ready and in the car, along with all 5,564 of their “essentials”. Step 1 is getting Hutton strapped into the infant carrier. He screams from the time the buckles snap to about 5 minutes into…

  • family,  friends,  social media

    Living the Moments

    This post was originally written for my friends over at thirtyone17. Their site is a charming, fabulous, unfiltered take on being a modern day Proverbs 31 woman. I wanted to share this post here as well, because the response it generated tells me I’m not the only one who struggles with what I shared, BUT I only repost it under the assumption you’ll read this and then immediately head over to their super awesome site. Capeesh?! (Or “capiche” if you’re fancy.) Name the last 5 Instagram photos you saw on your news feed, in order, without cheating. Can’t do it? Me either, even though I liked pretty much all of…

  • baby,  barf,  Hutton,  parenting

    Reflux Sux

    I love this picture of the Hutt man. I love it because It’s one of a few pictures we have where he’s almost smiling. Why doesn’t he smile a lot, you ask? Because reflux and RSV and whatever viral complication from RSV he currently has. This is how he’s looked for about 70% of his life so far. It’s really sad, I know. Between normal reflux and exacerbated reflux from the 2 viruses (thank you, kids at Beckett’s preschool), his 9 week existence on planet earth has been a rough one so far. He eats, he spits up by the bucketful, he cries. Repeat. Sometimes he naps restlessly in-between. A…