Play-Doh Therapy
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is the gift that keeps on giving, apparently. My boys contracted it several weeks ago which is old news…except it’s the fun kind of virus where just when you think it’s gone, it morphs into something else. It’s been a vicious cycle of grossness ’round these parts, which is why I rocked my Warby Parker glasses recently. This is a conversation I had with my eye doctor during my emergency appointment, compliments of “broken eyeballs” (the words I actually used to describe the reason for my visit…because I’m 12): Doctor: Wow, yea. Your eyes are super red. Me: (Drr. That’s why I’m here.) Doctor: Have your…
Soul Patches & Tails
We have an action-packed week in the Brooks’ house. Yesterday my friend Candace (affectionately known as Auntie Candy by Beckett) and I had a delightfully horrible shopping experience during the torrential rainstorm, ate at a delish Mexican joint, and stayed up googling “staph infections” and “stretch marks” well into the night. Tuesday, my mom comes in from Kansas. She’s scheduled to come anyway. There’s a good chance she’ll spontaneously combust before she even gets down here. She’s just a wee bit excited. Wednesday is Ladies’ Bible Study, but more importantly – my brother’s birthday and Beckett’s 6 monthiversary. It’s going to be a good one. Here’s a few highlights from…