• family,  JoJo,  siblings

    Mom’s Day & Disappearing Presents

    …join with me in pretending Mother’s Day wasn’t 8 days ago… Mom’s Day One of my favorite things about marriage is seeing my husband and my brother become friends. They are brother-in-laws, obviously, but they also like each other and are real life friends. And it’s awesome. (Especially since my brother scared off pretty much every boy who ever had interest in dating me, until Taylor came along. He instantly liked Taylor. That’s big time.) So, out of all of the fabulous events from Mother’s Day weekend, my favorite was the gunfight between Jared and Taylor. It all started with sweet Beckett and his little $1 squirt bottle, that he…

  • family,  JoJo,  Papa,  vacation

    Smith Reunion: Walkers, Canes, & everything in betwane

    inbetwane…get it? it rhymes with cane!!!  nevermind. The past week, Beckett and I flew to Kansas, drove to and from Arkansas, and flew back to Texas. It was a lot of traveling for an almost 25 year old 1 year old. The flight to Kansas went swimmingly, aside from being a teensy bit tardy to the airport, neon yellow “LATE CHECK-IN” tags being stuck all over my bags, and the always awkward terminal-speed-walk to arrive at the gate just in time to be one of the last to board the aircraft. But we made it. [One day I’ll write a post about the genius of stuffing your toddler so full…

  • family,  JoJo,  Papa,  travel,  vacation

    Traumatic Travel, Shopping Carts, & Time in Pokey

    Whew. This past week or two was a doozy. A fun doozy, but a doozy nonetheless. We had 2 flights, 1 road trip, 1 wedding, 1 baby shower, 1 case of croup, and 1 ear infection. We’ll start with the slightly traumatic travel experience. Slightly Traumatic Travel Experience A few proclamations:  Proclamation #1: If you are the kind of person who takes up extra seats for your bags in the airport terminal leaving other travelers the option of sitting on the floor or standing, I’m sorry you’re such a lonely person. Surely that kind of behavior isn’t conducive for a happy life filled with friends and loved ones. Proclamation #2: Don’t be mean…

  • family,  JoJo,  mack

    JoJo, DIY, & Buckshot

    It’s spooky scarf weather!! I know what you’re thinking. “I really thought she’d get less enjoyment out of dressing her dog once she had a child.” False. Still very entertaining to me. A dog in a scarf? That’s comedy in Sarah-land. JoJo JoJo (momma Sparks) came to visit this week. You know how a parent’s love is “unconditional”? That means their love for you will never run out – at least not until you have their grandchild, then you’re dead to them. That’s not fair to say. You’re not entirely dead to them, you just morph into strictly the car seat carrier and occasional baby-feeder. I kid, I kid. We…