• social media

    Learning to Unplug as a Family

    Junior high is a rough time. It’s awkward, it’s pimply…you’re trying to figure out who you are and where you belong. You’re trying not to panic about your body parts that are growing and doing weird, new things. Junior high is a lot of social experimentation. Not necessarily experimenting with drugs and alcohol, more like experimenting with friendships. Learning what is kind vs. what hurts people’s feelings. Learning what traits draw others in vs. alienate the general population. Learning the difference between high-energy and just plain obnoxious. I wouldn’t wish my junior high self on my worst enemy. But. When I had a bad day in junior high – when I was super obnoxious and…

  • Davis

    Little Little Brother

    “So the other day my son, David — I mean….Davis….” – actual words that came out of my mouth Being a third child is a struggle. Being little little brother is definitely a struggle. We had a BABY vs. WILD themed birthday party last month to celebrate one full year of his surviving the suburban wild. It wasn’t until the day after his birthday that we realized he never opened his birthday present. His one, single birthday present. David sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. Even at his own birthday.

  • Beckett,  faith,  unexpected Jesus

    Because They’re Worth Remembering

    Direct quote from Beckett, the kid who cried actual tears recently because “mom PLEASE stop dancing in the car. it’s very unsafe to dance while operating a vehicle!”: “Since I’m 5 now, can I just be one of the parents?” He is – by far – the most responsible adult in our home. He is always reminding me of the rules to ensure a safe and just home. He is also always soaking up everything around him and asking ridiculously mature and insightful questions.