• Hutton,  letters

    On 18 Months of Yumminess

    My favorite chunky punkin is 1.5 years old TODAY. No one in our house can remember life without him, nor do we care to try. He is the funniest, hungriest, most coordinated bundle of steel around. He constantly makes people smile – young, old, strangers, friends. Maybe it’s his smirk. Maybe it’s his beach bod. Either way, he is the epitome of happiness. In just a few short weeks, this booger will be a middle child – a fact that makes my eyes spontaneously moist – so his one.point.five. baby years need to be celebrated. I can’t even begin to list all the things about him that bring us joy,…

  • costumes,  fail

    Attempted Murder of a Matchmaker

    Sunday night I went upstairs to pull a “Love You Forever” after the boys were in bed. Instead of climbing a ladder and breaking into their window like a freak (how did that seem so normal reading it as a kid?), I opted for the stairs. As I reached the top landing, a blast of heat hit me in the face. No, not a raging inferno. Worse. A broken AC unit in the middle of summer. You know, summer in Texas, the 3 (to 6) months of the year the state tries to burn its residents alive. #thanksobama I grabbed the boys and brought them downstairs, along with a crib mattress and a pack-n-play.…

  • pregnancy

    ISO: Reputable Artisans for Preggos

    I posted a few months ago on the evolution of pregnancies because subsequent pregnancies are no joke. I’m only on pregnancy 3 and I already wonder how people on round 5+ function. Does their uterus stay inside of their body for the entirety of the pregnancy? Do they pee their pants daily? I stay awake at night wondering these things, but that’s neither here nor there. I’m now 33 weeks pregnant and seriously contemplating starting my own goods/exchanges website. We have Craigslist….we have Angie’s List…..but what we don’t have is Preggie’s List. (Genius, I know.) Because let’s face it – third trimesterians could really benefit from specific goods and services. And not just from any…

  • Uncategorized

    Solo Parenting: Third Trimester Style

    When you’re married to a CPA, ends of quarters are busy times because of numbers or something. (I don’t really understand.) Knowing Taylor would be working late every night and over the weekend, I psyched myself up for a fun time by myself with the boys. We all count down the second until daddy gets home from work. He is the ultimate wrestle machine and backyard baseball coach. Plus he distracts little hands long enough for me to accomplish something productive. (Laundry? Dishes? Toilet cleaning?) We like him. But with only 6 days of super long hours, the boys and I could TOTALLY DO IT solo, right? Day 1: make crib sheets for “little little brother”. One…