Another BOY!
[Quick note: if you recently subscribed to email alerts for this blog and are really only interested in social media posts (not posts with pictures of the cutest toddler boy ever), head here to subscribe for those. Thanks for stopping by!] She had a name. She would be Finley Hope, and she would be perfect. She’d be the perfect amount girly without being swallowed alive by ruffles or wearing headbands 3x the size of her face. (It’s how we do in Texas.) So when the sonographer informed me she was actually a he, I was shocked. Absolutely shocked. I tried to argue, but…peenie. Can’t argue with the evidence. Several months…
A Coffee Date Chat: Social Media Mindset Differences
I just thought you all should see my favorite 7th graders in the world. Completely irrelevant to this post. I’ve picked up on a few recurring trends when talking with parents (and youth workers and teachers) of pre-teens/teens about social media recently… I hear a lot of fear and uncertainty. I see a lot of deer-in-the-headlight, overwhelmed looks. And I understand. The world wide interwebs are big and scary and kidnappy. But if there’s one thing I think (or rather, hope) I might help you with, it is understanding your kids’ mindsets. They’re speaking a language you’re trying to understand and that’s scary. Or at the very least annoying. This is no…
A Word to my Friends about
{For my junior high and high school peeps. Do people still say peeps? I’m pretty sure they don’t. My apologies.} Hey, friends. I know you aren’t big blog readers, but I’ve been wanting to chat with you about something for a while now. If you’ll indulge me, let’s chat real quick about: You know…the thing where you love to ask each other (mostly) anonymous questions. I know you know about it because this is all I ever see in my Instagram newsfeed. And I totally get it. Don’t panic. I’m not here to get you in trouble – I even have one (…even though no one has ever asked me…
Silver Alert & Toddler God
Tuesday night: Stand at a red light waiting for the crosswalk. Pick a wedgie with one hand, wave to a family from church with the other. That’s the story of my existence, in 2 sentences. (Yea, I shouldn’t have picked a wedgie at a busy intersection, but I had been running and my shorts needed adjusting. And I had the cover of darkness. And I probably just shouldn’t be allowed to leave the house, ever.) Silver Alert We lunched at Chick-fil-a today (see list below for the humor there) and Beckett, my creative genius, turned the table topper into a hat. It was funny or whatever I guess, but I…