• friends,  mom things

    Cabbage, Creeper Bathrooms, & Surprising Nerds

    Cabbage It was a little hard to pay attention during library story time today, because I was a little afraid that the fresh produce I stuck in my bra was sticking out of my shirt. That’d be an awkward explanation to have with the person sitting next to me – the person who happened to be my male next door neighbor. I’ve been weaning Beckett over the past few weeks, now that he is at the magical age where he can drink cow’s milk. Let the record show that he was exclusively breastfed (no formula or milk) for the first year of his life. Where do I pick up my…

  • Beckett,  letters

    A letter for Beckett

    Hi sweet boy. We survived one whole year together. I can’t believe it’s been one year since I met you and your chipmunky cheeks for the first time. If we’re being completely honest, (something you’ll learn is unavoidable with me) I had no idea what to do with you when you came out. While you were in my belly, I just took you where I wanted to go, we ate what I wanted to eat, and we slept when I wanted to sleep. Once you were born, well…you had a few opinions of your own. Once you were born, our whole lives changed. At first, I wasn’t sure how I…

  • Beckett,  birthday,  monsters

    A Monsterous Affair

    Yesterday was Beckett’s first ever birthday party. First ever. He’s been alive for a whole year. What do you do when you keep your child alive and well for a whole year? You celebrate! Monster style. First you invite all your friends. Then you decorate.     The key to decorating for a monster party is to googly-eye everything: picture frames, drink dispenser, serving spoons, family dog…everything. Also, check the cupcake picture. No, I didn’t let the 3rd grade class at church decorate those. I did it all by my big girl self. I had a sobering realization that my dreams of opening my own cupcakery will probably not come…

  • birthday,  teen mom,  toddler life

    My 14th birthday, Crustaches, & Cannibalism

    Everyone in our family has a birthday in August. Taylor’s is the 7th, mine is the 9th, and Beckett’s is the 22nd. Also, when we were adopting our dog, Mack, they told us his birthday is the 5th. 5, 7, 9, 22. August is an expensive month for us. Last year I made a birthday hat that I made everyone in our family wear on their designated day of birth. I even took it to the hospital to put on the freshly delivered Beckett: “Before you cut the cord…can you just snap a pic of this on his head real fast? Thanks.”  I did it again this year because it’s…

  • family,  JoJo,  Papa,  vacation

    Smith Reunion: Walkers, Canes, & everything in betwane

    inbetwane…get it? it rhymes with cane!!!  nevermind. The past week, Beckett and I flew to Kansas, drove to and from Arkansas, and flew back to Texas. It was a lot of traveling for an almost 25 year old 1 year old. The flight to Kansas went swimmingly, aside from being a teensy bit tardy to the airport, neon yellow “LATE CHECK-IN” tags being stuck all over my bags, and the always awkward terminal-speed-walk to arrive at the gate just in time to be one of the last to board the aircraft. But we made it. [One day I’ll write a post about the genius of stuffing your toddler so full…