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    Elwood the Great & Arkansas

    I’ve been dreading this day since I was little. Uncle Elwood was and probably will always be my favorite uncle. It wasn’t that he played games with me or taught me funny songs. I don’t know what it was about him but I loved every time I got to see him. He was always mismatched – and I mean severly. Stripes on stripes, Dickies full-length jumpsuits…he wore it all. When I was in elementary school in Omaha, Papa, Claxton, and Elwood (the Smiths were very fearful of generic names) all came to pheasant hunt. When I was going to bed one night, I asked my mom if I could take…

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    Addictions, Rangers & Ozarks

    So as it turns out I didn’t at all change the look of my blog. Apparently my hard work didn’t pay off when reading my blog anywhere other than my computer. I promise all the fonts looked awesome on my screen though. Crap. I guess the background is still okay. I ended up buying an iPhone. I love every second of it too. I added about 3 pages of apps in the first few hours and have been adding and deleting since. I knew I had a problem, however, after I woke up in the middle of the night in a sweat worrying about if I downloaded the dictionary.com app…

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    HTML Colors & Nerd-Alerts

    Redesigned blog. Like it? It only took me about 3 hours. I looked at every website known to man that gives information on html color codes and website design codes. I feel like my brain could explode. I found the background on a blog design site and then altered it some. I think I could have gone into computer science. I kind of like figuring out how to do things like that. Taylor for sure does…maybe we should become anti-social and open a computer store. I’ll have you know, by the way, that the font used in my blog is none other than MY own handwriting. Taylor let me make…

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    Rosa’s & In-Laws

    Man…when I first got this blog I must not have had a life. I haven’t posted since Monday which is like a record for me. So here’s a good one… our office bought gift cards for Sharky’s and Betty Rose’s to give to our visiting families. Someone decided we didn’t have enough money to pay for the gift cards, so we needed to return them to the restaurants. Who wants to volunteer to make an idiot out of themself? “Hey – thanks for hand-writing all of these gift cards, but can we return them and get our money back?” Not happening. So I suggested that we eat the cost and…

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    Skanky & Weddings

    A nice young lady came in to campus visits today wearing the most unbelievable dress. It was a string bikini top and almost completely backless. I guess it was supposed to be a sundress….but I almost saw her hoo-hoos. It might have been the tackiest thing I’ve seen worn on our campus before….and it was a senior in high school. Denied for admission…I wonder why! Her outfit was slightly less awkward than the nice girl who decided to take her senior portraits in a white string bikini next to the lake. She then moved on to Jacob’s Dream. In a bikini. In the middle of the day. That is outrageous.…

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    Twitter & iPhones

    I hated every second of Twitter before I was on it. I judged those who had it and thought that if I hated Facebook statuses, why would I like this new thing? Sooo I signed up so that I could check it out (you can’t really preview it without having an account) and now I’m addicted. What I like about it is not the constant connection, but how connected it makes you feel. I’ll explain: I follow Shaq and other celebrities as well as many friends from ACU. When Shaq says “I just saw the new Budweiser commercial and thought it was funny” it makes me feel like we are…

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    P-90x, Tours, & Bona Fide

    I think I might hate this man: This, ladies and gents, is the man that will ruin your life. P90x has to be the hardest workout ever. I think I’d rather be fat. Seriously, we did not even half of the Ab Ripper X today and I could barely lift my legs to get into the shower afterwards. It’s ridiculous. No human should voluntarily put their body through his entire workout. How do you go from absolutely nothing to do to running around like a chicken with your head cut off? No idea, but it happened today. We had 6 or 7 families total today, but Laura was sick and…

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    Soldiers & Work

    I bought a book last night that I finished when I got home from work today. It’s “A Long Way Gone” and it is delightful. Just kidding…not delightful, but really good. It was very eye-opening to read firsthand accounts of a little boy who fought against the rebels. I can’t even imagine what life like that is like. I felt like I had a better visual image of the dirt roads and forests having been to Africa, but I can’t even begin to visualize a war as gruesome and unpredictable as the ones going on across the world. After reading about the people that took Ishmael in and allowed him…

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    Shopping & Graduation

    I just went around Abilene looking for summer-esque clothes. I absolutely abhor shopping here. Two observations though: Boom and Fashions by JJ are the two funniest stores in the whole mall. There’s about 3 shirts, 2 pants and 80 necklaces. They also choose to advertise using metallic mannequins. There’s also a thriving retail outlet that is called “Corn Dog”. I saw a shirt in Monk’s yesterday with my mom that said “Only Abilene – what happens here, leaves here.” That’s very fitting for this silly little metropolis. Surprisingly enough, I didn’t find anything I couldn’t live without at Boom. I graduated on Saturday. From college. With a bachelor’s degree. Now…what…

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    Stares & Haircut

    If there is one thing in life that makes my blood boil, it’s people staring. Now, if you know me, you know that I am a chronic starer. Not to justify my disease, but we’ve all been there and we all know how to stare properly. The rule is: if you get caught, abort. Duh. If the staree sees you staring, look away and pretend like you weren’t looking at them. Sooo elementary. This leads into my story… I got my haircut today in Abilene for the first time. I didn’t know where to go so I polled some of my friends to get a good idea of salons. I…