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    School, Siggies, & Shoes

    I’m sitting in my accounting class right now. My very last accounting class. Ever. Suuuuuch a relief. I love my professor …. and by that I mean that I think he’s a nice man. I superly hate his class though. He’s one of those that gets a hold of a joke and just holds on for dear life. When we start packing up before class is actually over (he’s also one of those that keeps you right up until the EXACT moment class is supposed to be over) he’ll say “Ok church, don’t get your songbooks out, I’m still preaching” or something like that. Maybe funny the first time but…

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    Air Conditioners, Planes, & Signage

    Taylor has been suffering in his truck for a while now. The AC went out and he didn’t want to get it fixed because it would cost too much money. He has been sweating profusely every day for the past several weeks (maybe even months) because he wouldn’t get it fixed. We still drive his truck just as much though, so today I got in with my Ferrero Rocher in hand on our way to eat. I dropped the stupid ball of chocolate so we had to pull over and dig around in the floorboard so the chocolate wouldn’t met. While we were digging around he found some wires hanging…

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    Wildcat Preview Days & Faith

    Today was my last…very last Wildcat Preview Day. It would have been kind of sad had I not been exhausted from staying up late last night to finish a take-home test. Either way, it was a good day and I met some cool kids. I just want to shake sense into everyone and say “Come to ACU, stupid!!!” And by stupid I mean bright young adults that will surely excel here. I hate leaving work feeling like I haven’t given it everything though, and that’s how I left today. I had about 110% fake energy which bothered me, but what can you do. I also get tired of making suggestions…

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    Steaks, Puppies, & Kylie

    That last word was thrown in for funzies since I was just g-chatting with Kylie about my newfound blog. Taylor and I went to FW this weekend to hang out with some friends and it was a grand ole time. We ate steaks at Drew’s house with his family, Estebaan & Whitney, Jerrod, and their Latvian student Laura. I’m excited to be in a big city with traffic (at least I will be for the first day), places to shop, and restaurants to choose from. We ate at Chipotle, which was delicious, and we didn’t know anyone…I loved it. I’m ready to move somewhere and start new. What I mean…

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    Catdog & Sexies

    Title in reference to that stupid show on Nickelodeon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8LPAxe4F4E&feature=related. So I heard this rustling around the other day while Mack was finding a place to lay (he’s 70 pounds so it’s quite the process). I turn around to look and sure enough my dog has found a nice place on the back of the couch. Unbelievable. We’re borderline obsessed with our dog so much so that Taylor and I were eating breakfast and he was thinking about dropping our kids off at college and becoming empty-nesters, (maybe a little ahead of himself..) so I told him, naturally, that was a weird thought and how we’re empty-nesters right no. His…

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    Wings & Money

    I almost became a vegetarian tonight. It was very close to being final. I looked up a recipe for wings tonight because we bought some delicious chicken at Wal-Mart. I go to the store and buy the wing sauce, get home and open the chicken. Hooooly crap! There are actual full-length flying wings in our fridge. Maybe this is normal for most people, but I’m new to this homemaking stuff so I google “how to cut chicken wings” and it gets very straightforward instructions. Luckily, someone gave us some killer knives and I got the largest meat cleaver I could find. As I gag, I try to pull apart the…

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    Roses, Lancaster, & Africa

    Our rose bush is dying. How can we plant something 1 month ago and it already keel over? Everything else seems to be ok but my goodness. It’s really quite embarrassing. So these girls came today to visit from Lancaster, TX. I now remember why I love my job. First off, they were really funny. One girl brought her mom, 2 aunts, and a friend. They loved ACU so much that they cried, jumped up and down, and told me they fell in love with me. It’s times like today that I remember what a crazy incredible place this is, and why I love my job – all 60 hours…

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    Sims, Ideas, & COBA

    Oops. We bought the Sims and I can’t stop playing. It’s the dumbest game and I think “oh I’ll just play until they reach gold aspiration” (don’t know what I’m talking about? Good.) but I end up playing forever. Taylor has his baseball game so we make the lamest couple just playing our stupid games. I think I just love the fact that I am not having to think and I get to decorate virtual houses. And shop. It’s kind of a racy game though that should never be promoted for children. I’ll keep that in mind when the little blueberries (anyone??) come along. Do you ever have a really…

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    Taylor made

    Anyone hear the song “Tailor Made”? I like to think she meant Taylor….like my Taylor. This post is dedicated to why I love my husband and why everyone should appreciate him like I do. Let’s start by saying he doesn’t have a mohawk anymore… I always wondered why God put us together on the VERY first day at ACU. Really? Is that a joke? I had a super-great plan about finding the man of my dreams somewhere along the way but not dating seriously until my senior year at the earliest. Lo-and-behold I met him through his ex-girlfriend through our parents through Harding University’s social clubs. (It’s a long story)…

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    Tears, Mohawks, & Sinners

    Well, as it turns out, nothing funny happened at work. I actually just ended up crying a lot. Are you one of those people who waits forever, bottles everything, and ends up bawling for hours? Yea…me either… yikes. Life is frustrating to me. Why am I given certain qualities and standards when no one else is? I guess sometimes it turns out good but right now I’m frustrated. For some reason I wasn’t athletically-inclined. I’m not talented in an arena where I can participate with other people. One of my talents instead is efficiency. Are you kidding me? “I can’t go play volleyball with you, but I can enter data…