Beckett,  neighbors

The Gentleman & Garden Panty

Oh, hello! If you are a parent, youth minister, or teen here because you think this is another post on social media, you will be sorely disappointed. I’m hoping to continue the conversations with you, if you will so kindly allow me to, but I’m not sure what that will look like just yet so bear with me. In the meantime, feel free to stick around. Or don’t. Or drop me a line with other questions if you feel so inclined. I sincerely thank you for your feedback and encouragement.

Whew. Now that they’re gone, we can really get this party started.

Just kidding.

Before we can get back to regularly scheduled programming, I need to tell a short story about the past 3 weeks.

I wrote a post a few weeks ago about why I still believe in the church. I received a bigger response than normal and had a lot of great conversations because of it. Buuuut ole Selfishness kicked in and I started thinking I was a little bit awesome. That post really was touching, wasn’t it?

So, since I was obviously on a roll, I decided to write another post on Instagram that I’d been thinking about for a while. I sent it to my eagle-eye spell-checker Mom, whose response of “It’s…good…” was less than satisfactory. She was right, but it still deflated my pride balloon so I deleted the whole post. (Because I’m really mature like that.)

I could hear God said, “Oh, really? You think you’re pretty clever, huh? Let me know when you’re over yourself and we can try again.” We had a heart to heart and I repented of being an idiot.

He also wouldn’t let me forget about the Instagram post. I regrouped, thought about why it was important, and rewrote the whole thing. Even as I hit publish I thought, “It doesn’t even matter if one person reads this, I just need to say it.” (…always a good place to start from. I believe this is what that “humility” stuff is about.)

Well. Funny story.

A lot of persons ended up reading it.

Had God and I not just had that divinely timed remedial class on whose glory needed displaying, I probably would’ve given myself a trophy…or a medal at the very least. Instead, I got a front row seat to see him work BIG. All him, not me. (You’ve probably never considered letting the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE do his thing without your ugly mug trying photobomb him, but it is pretty awesome. I’d recommend it.)

I’m not entirely sure what’s next in the ole Brooks’ journey o’ life, but he’s made it pretty clear through a lot of stuff the past few weeks that we’re on a different path than expected and I’m excited to see where we go from here.

The end.

To catch up on the past few weeks of regular life…

The Gentleman

I know everyone thinks their kid is a perfect gentleman/lady, but mine really…isn’t. He wanted cake at small group, so this is how he approached every person holding a plate:

Just kidding. He can be a little gentleman, especially with his “pleeeeath” and “tank you”s.

He can even be pretty mature. A little too mature. Like thinking-over-that-merger-deal-wishing-for-a-dirty-martini mature.

Other times he is just a precious little peach covering his eyes for a prayer.

But enough about that. I don’t want to break the internet with too much cuteness in one post. I’d rather break the internet with discomfort.

Garden Panty

Our neighborhood is endearingly insane. Just ask me about it sometime. You probably won’t believe the stories I tell you, but it’s all true.

One of our neighbors has this little dog that is always doing something annoying. Like, for instance, the other day when he was digging in a hole in the very middle of the street. (Because clearly pavement is a better option for digging than, say, dirt.) He didn’t even look up as I slowly creeped around him in my car.

I decided to be a good neighbor and tell the owner his dog was about to be roadkill, so I rolled down the window to get his attention (he and his wife were busy gardening), but, ya know, as soon I spotted the hot pink lacy panties hanging out the top of his pants, I just rolled that window right on back up and drove home. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

In related news, it’s always alarming when your child picks something up at the store without your noticing, but imagine my surprise when I saw him holding these purple zebra panties today. 

What a sweet boy…probably picked them out just for our neighbor man.


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    Erin Ward

    That is so crazy how God worked through your post! Blown away. (But don’t worry – I’m sticking around for the regularly scheduled programming. Love your cute kiddo!)

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    Amy Couchman

    i read this sentence “I’m not entirely sure what’s next in the ole Brooks’ journey o’ life, but he’s made it pretty clear through a lot of stuff the past few weeks that we’re on a different path than expected and I’m excited to see where we go from here. ” and think that means you’re writing a book. are you going to write a book?

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    Paige Atkins

    HI! A friend sent me your blog post about Instagram and I sent it to three people! Thank you for writing it. It’s interesting to see your inner debate about it (with God no less)…but we all found it very useful. One of the people I sent it to is a mom of a middle schooler who has no idea what instagram is…just that her daughter is on there all the time. After reading your post she was able to have an educated conversation with her daughter about self-confidence, finding her identity, etc. It was great!! Always go with your gut and follow where God is pulling you…even if it doesn’t always feel comfortable! Thanks again!

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      Sarah Brooks

      Hey, Paige! Thanks so much for your note. I LOVE stories like that and I’m honored to have aided in that conversation with her and her daughter! God’s definitely up to the something with that topic!

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    Angie Eichler

    I read your instagram post on Facebook. I teach middle school and work in Ladies Ministry at my church.You post had a huge impact. I reposted to my Facebook page where I know several people read the blog. I actually built my devotion for this month from the concept you shared in your Blog but geared towards ladies. I came back today because I think often of the post and I wanted to have it to share with the mothers in my group tonight. I have learned through the years, the Lord will use the strangest things to make an impact if we will get out of the way. I am thankful that you followed the Lord’s prompting. As a mother to a 6th grader and as a teacher, your post was important.Thanks for sharing and being a light that points to Christ.

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