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    Trick-or-Treating 101, Intervention, & Shopping Horrors

    Trick-or-Treating 101 Helpful hints for being “the good house” on Halloween. If you don’t know what constitutes a “good house” on Halloween, chances are your house is not good. Good houses give out dollar bills, 1-pound Hershey bars, 3 handfuls of candy (instead of 3 pieces), or name brand candy like Reese’s, Snickers, M&M, and Kit Kat. Bad houses give out dimes, off-brand flavored tootsie rolls, 1 Werther’s, or religious tracts.  Don’t be the bad house. Intervention Someone help me. I am begging for an intervention. Put me in front of materials that can be shaped into facial hair and I’ll spend the next hour making myself laugh and my…