Walks & Quilts
I just went on a walk. It convinced me that heaven will have a sweet iPod mix and a beautiful walking trail. Maybe even a dog to walk with you. I just love the carefree feeling with music blaring in your ears and a breeze in the air. My playlist was playing our wedding mix and it reminded me for the ump-teenth time how blessed I am. I have a fabulous husband…end of story.
So this might be the funniest thing ever if you don’t already know about it. (Allison, if you read this one too you’ll love this.) Yesterday, we had a group of kids come to sing. Luckily, Laza and I got to give them a tour earlier in the day so we got to know them. It was one of the best groups we had because they just opened up really well and asked good questions (I think they came from pretty conservative backgrounds). Anyway that’s not what’s funny.
We were all strongly suggested to attend their performance that night during which the kids sang some songs, had a devo thought, sang some songs, rapped a little, had an encouraging word or two and sang some more. That’s pretty much the exact chain of events. At the end, however, they called up one of our VPs for a time of blessing. The director asked if anyone had a chair for Phil to sit in at which point we all became nervous. They gave him a present that, as it turns out, was a quilt. He’s then forced to compliment the pattern while they bring in a ghetto white plastic chair. Phil sits down (quilt in arms) and the entire group songs a song just for him. During the song the students come down one by one to touch Phil and whisper blessings in his ear. If you’re imagining an awkward scene in your head, multiply by about 4 and you will be more accurate. It might have been the greatest moment in campus visits history, save the time that the girl’s rats died in her car. Seriously, it was one of the most fun groups, just slightly awkward ending… I think quilts are meant to only be hung on your grandmothers wall.
Wow. I am imagining a home school group like those kids on SNL. Is “Phil” Phil Boone? And most importantly…I need to hear the story about the rat too!
Sarah Brooksparks
Oh my. The rat story will be next. Also, it was Phil Schubert not Phil Boone. I’m always scared I am going to write a story and that visitor will read it so I try to be vague, haha!