
His name is Frank(s).

We have this dream for our children – one that was birthed out of a trip to the state fair last year.

After winning a carnival game of what can only be described as Kid Beer Pong, we walked away with our first pet goldfish.

Not just one, actually.

When the nice, bearded game lady took one look at our crew and their excitement over winning a single fish, she leaned over and whispered conspiratorially,

“Tell ya what. Imma give you boys 4 fish, seein’ as there’s 3 of ya.

Whaddya think, parents? Sound good?”

After a moment’s hesitation,

we agreed and left with 4 new pets (for our 3 boys).

Their names, in order, were Happy, Buddy, Goldy, and Frank.

The first three lasted less than a week.

Frank lasted 8 months.

Shortly before his passing, the boys and I were set to go on a trip. I could tell Frank didn’t have much time left (he was already doing the sideways wobble) and I knew that would make the kids sad, so I instructed Taylor to replace him before we got home.

As the words were coming out of my mouth, the real dream was being born in my heart.

“Actually, instead of replacing current Frank with the same type of fish, try getting a completely different fish. Let’s see how many times we can replace Frank throughout their childhood before they notice.”

It was risky – as all worthwhile dreams are – but we did it.

The boys and I left Frank I and came home to Frank II:

A few minutes after walking in the door from our trip, I heard an “uhhh….mom?” coming from the direction of the tank.

This was it: the moment of truth.

“What’s up?” I asked, walking over.

“I think Frank caught on fire.” the older boys said.

“Whaaaat??” I feigned surprise.

“Look at him! He’s all burnt!” they said before shrugging and mumbling a lot of “how did that happ–” and “that is so weird….” and stuff as they ran off to play.

And that was that. It actually worked.

Caught. on. fire. Even better than I expected.

• • •

Frank II has been with us now for almost a year.

A few weeks ago, Beckett decided Frank needed a friend.

There are 4 types of goldfish at Walmart: white (Frank I), black (Frank II), orange, and calico, as pictured on the species information cards displayed below the fish tanks.

As Beckett took time reading each fish type’s card, I thought, Well this was fun while it lasted. He’s 4 seconds away from realizing Frank I and Frank II are different fish.

“Which kind do you want to get?” I asked, casually.

He took a breath, gearing up for a Big Thought. “Well, we know the white fish grow into the black fish – because that’s what Frank did, obviously – so maybe I’ll get a calico one and see what happens.”

GENIUS. Absolutely genius.

We went home with Cal.

(Not Cal for Calico as one might except, but Cal for Calvin.)

Unfortunately, Cal didn’t live long enough for us to see what his type morphs into.

Fortunately, his short life solidified our dream for our boys. When you think goldfish evolve like Pokemon, the replacements are endless.

Frank II seems pretty invincible (surviving for 2 weeks over Christmas with a weekend slow-release feeder, for example), but I’m already excited for Frank III.

It’s the little things in life, you guys.

Every day is the good old days.

• • •

Side note: I don’t know when Cal died, I just know that this was an actual conversation that took place a week or two after we got him…



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