• faith

    Celebrating Differences (and Teaching Our Kids to Do the Same)

    “Dear ______, Stop _______.” – the formula for titling your next culturally relevant blog post These “open letters” are all. over. Facebook. All the time. Have you seen them? Something like: Dear White People, Stop Saying “All Lives Matter”. Dear Black People, Stop Protesting on Highways. Dear Police Officers, Stop the Excessive Force. Dear Everyone, Stop Assuming all Muslims are Terrorists. Dear Republicans/Democrats/Liberals, Stop ….. Everyone wants to be treated equally (rightly so, obviously) yet we create all these rules and stipulations for how we relate to someone who is different than us. We have an army of writers and Facebloggers writing extensive bullet point lists of things each type of human can and can’t say, can and can’t do…

  • parenting

    Survival of the Summertime

    I see you, mom bloggers with 5 kids and enough time to not only create homemade sensory bins but to post a how-to that same afternoon. I see you. And I’m wondering where the heck your kids are while you’re blogging, because they certainly aren’t in the room with you. The hungriest my kids ever get is when I sit down at my computer and start typing. Or when I pick up the phone to actually talk to another reasonable human. It’s like instant starvation when my attention is diverted from their angel faces. Either that or all-out war with each other. They’re kind of the worst. (Especially the toddler. Did you see…